500.CC/10–344: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)
2376. Reurtel 3777, October 3, 4 p.m.85 At the end of the second phase of the Dumbarton Oaks Conversations which we expect to terminate the end of this week, the question of voting along with a few other questions will be left open for further consideration of the four Governments. The published document, which we expect to release on Monday, October 9, as you know, will state that the question of voting in the Council and other unspecified questions are left open for further consideration. As this question of voting has been referred for consideration on the highest level we are not in a position to say at this time what the final agreement as to voting will be.
Throughout the Conversations our official position was that parties to a dispute should not vote in the Council. The British agreed with us while the Russians consistently maintained the position that a permanent member of the Council even though involved in a dispute should retain both the right to vote and its veto power.
[Page 883]The informal compromise referred to in our Inorg No. 586 was never officially advanced by this Government. In view of the foregoing we feel that if possible you should avoid any discussion on this point with Soviet officials in order not to prejudice subsequent consideration at the highest level.