Lot 60–D 224, Box 55: D.O./P.R./40
Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the Secretary of State
Subject: Progress Report on Dumbarton Oaks Conversations—Forty-second Day
Meeting of the Joint Formulation Group87
The joint formulation group held a brief meeting this morning to consider the problem of transition from the League of Nations to the new Organization. Mr. Pasvolsky explained that of the 45 members of the League, 28 are members of the united and associated nations; of the 44 united and associated nations, 15 are not members of the League; 17 members of the League are neither united nor associated nations. After some discussion as to how the problem could be resolved it was agreed that all three delegations would prepare research papers for exchange at an early date, preparatory to discussions on this subject, in order to present the forthcoming conference with some agreed proposals of the four delegations. It was agreed that Russia would be invited to prepare similar papers if she so desired.
Final Meeting of the American Group at 11:0088
The final meeting of the members of the American group was held in the American room. As chairman of the group I thanked the delegates for their conscientious and always helpful cooperation. I said that I felt sure that all of us would stand by for any future calls that might be made upon us by the President or the Secretary of State. In reply, Mr. Henry P. Fletcher was good enough to thank me, on behalf of his colleagues, for my efforts as chairman of the group and as chairman of the conference.
[Page 884]Final Plenary Session
The three delegations gave their approval to the text of the agreed proposals and to the brief communiqué, which is to be issued later today, announcing the termination of the conversations.89 Official copies of the proposals were thereupon endorsed for authentication by the three chairmen.
I then made a few brief closing remarks in which I emphasized the cooperative spirit which had marked our conversations and the importance to the peace of the world of the project in which the four nations represented at the conversations are participating. Dr. Koo and Lord Halifax responded with suitable remarks. The remarks of all three chairmen are to be made public.90
The Chinese delegation seemed particularly pleased that both Lord Halifax and I in our concluding remarks paid special tribute to China as a gallant ally, to the distinction of the Chinese delegates, and to their contribution to the work of the conversations.
Final Clearance on Date of Publication
You will recall that the British had not finally agreed to publication of the document on Monday and that they had, in addition, unyieldingly insisted upon the inclusion in the proposed identic communiqué of a fourth paragraph containing a reference to the part of the other United Nations in enforcing the surrender terms. They maintained their position until after the final adjournment today and this matter therefore was, at that time, left undecided. The British Embassy later informed us that the British Government had finally agreed with our proposal that the fourth paragraph be omitted altogether.
Harriman has today informed us by telephone of Soviet agreement to omission of the fourth paragraph from the communiqué and we are awaiting the imminent arrival of formal Soviet clearance of Monday publication.91
The Chinese have agreed to omission of the fourth paragraph and to Monday publication.
- For further details of meeting, see informal record, infra.↩
- For press release of October 7 on the final meeting of the American Delegation, see Department of State Bulletin, October 8, 1944, p. 376.↩
- For joint statement by Heads of American, British, and Chinese Delegations, see Department of State Bulletin, October 8, 1944, p. 376.↩
- For remarks by the Under Secretary of State, Ambassador Koo, and Lord Halifax, see ibid., pp. 374–376.↩
- Formal Soviet clearance was received in a note dated October 9 from the Soviet Ambassador, enclosing a message by Mr. Molotov; not printed.↩