500.CC/10–644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

2375. Please deliver immediately the following personal message from the Secretary to Mr. Molotov:

“As you know from my message of October 283 all arrangements have been completed for the publication on October 9 of the joint communiqué and the text of the proposals for an international organization. We feel that any delay in the publication would only result in misunderstanding and speculation, and I therefore urge that, if you have not been able to agree with the British Government on a satisfactory wording for the last paragraph of the communiqué, you consent to the publication of the communiqué omitting the last paragraph entirely in order that we may publish the text and documents on October 9 as agreed. I am sending a similar message to Mr. Eden.”84

  1. See telegram 2340, p. 863.
  2. Telegram 8181, October 6, 9 p.m., not printed.