810.20 Defense/2759: Telegram

The Ambassador in Paraguay (Frost) to the Secretary of State

236. My 233, May 28, 7 p.m. As of interest to show the manner in which the terms contained in proposed air field concession were approached the following differences in the preamble compared with text forwarded with my despatch 473,6 are quoted:

“That the property in question belongs to the National Government and on the property the petitioning company has provided the installations necessary for the functioning of the service which it discharges.

That the stipulated conditions will permit the state when the concession ends, to enter into possession without special formalities, of a modern aviation field capable of handling the traffic of large commercial airships.

That the field mentioned may be used by airplanes of the state at any time and during the time which may be necessary.

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The petitioning company in the 4 years of its operation in the country has sufficiently demonstrated its capacity, skill and qualifications to afford aerial services and meet the heavy expenses which the necessary installations require.”

  1. Dated March 28, p. 644.