Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and Peru, signed March 11, 1942
[The Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Peru, signed at Washington March 11, 1942 (not printed), provided that Peru was to repay 41.38 percent of the scheduled cost (about $29,000,000) of armaments and munitions transferred by the United States to Peru, in installments for a total of not more than $2,000,000 before March 1, 1943; $4,000,000 before March 1, 1944; $6,000,000 before March 1, 1945; $8,000,000 before March 1, 1946; $10,000,000 before March 1, 1947; or $12,000,000 before March 1, 1948. The agreement, otherwise, is substantially the same as the draft of the basic agreement printed in Foreign Relations, 1941, volume VI, page 139.]