- Cooperation between the United States and Ecuador on certain military
measures for hemisphere defense
(Documents 390–408)
- Lend-Lease Agreement between the United States and Ecuador, signed April
6, 1942
(Document 409)
- Program for economic cooperation between the United States and
Ecuador (Documents 410–420)
- Negotiation and application of an agreement concerning the production and
export of Ecuadoran rubber (Documents 421–443)
- Efforts of the United States and Ecuadoran Governments to control
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 444–451)
- Agreement between the United States and Ecuador providing for a health and sanitation program, signed February 24, 1942
- Agreement approving a memorandum of understanding, signed August 12, 1942, providing for the establishment by the United States of an agricultural experiment station in Ecuador, signed October 20 and 29, 1942