891.00/1856: Telegram
The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 8—11:55 a.m.]
98. Prime Minister informs me Majlis in secret session today refused to sanction expulsion of Japanese Legation. This action was taken in spite of solemn pledge given me by Prime Minister as reported in my number 85, March 29, and his statement to Admiral Standley quoted in my number 95, April 4 [3].89
Prime Minister states there is widespread dissatisfaction in Majlis with manner in which Russians and British are carrying out their treaty with Iran. Members complain bitterly that Russians are taking their cattle, that Poles are being dumped in Iran, that British are failing to provide food and are sending Iranian wheat to Iraq, that Russians are exploiting situation in northern Iran, that British are taking advantage of Iran in financial and other matters and that Iranians are being generally deceived and exploited. He added many feel that Japanese and Germans will soon be in Iran.
British Minister in note of April 4 to Iranian Government stated in strong terms that his Government regards expulsion of Japanese Legation as matter of utmost military necessity and that such action must be taken at once if Iran is to retain good will of British Empire and if goods are to continue to be furnished.
In view of growing pro-Axis attitude of Iranians and their refusal to cooperate with British (see my number 97, April 690) tendencies which are now climaxed by refusal to expel Japanese Legation, we should, I feel, take a strong line and refuse to furnish advisers or economic assistance on Lend-Lease or any other basis until Iran shows more inclination to cooperate.