740.0011 European War 1939/23914b: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

4107. Part II. The statement referred to in paragraph 4 (a) above is as follows:

“Questions have been asked as to the attitude of the Government of the United States toward the peoples of the Near East, with particular reference to their future. It is therefore desirable to make known this Government’s attitude, which is as follows:

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“The war objectives of this Government as stated in the Atlantic Charter include the ‘desire to see no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned,’ and respect for ‘the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live’.

“An elaboration is given in the basic statement of policy made by Secretary of State Cordell Hull on July 23, 1942,14 as follows:

‘We have always believed—and we believe today—that all peoples, without distinction of race, color, or religion, who are prepared and willing to accept the responsibilities of liberty, are entitled to its enjoyment.

‘We have always sought—and we seek today—to encourage and aid all who aspire to freedom to establish their right to it by preparing themselves to assume its obligations.

‘It has been our purpose in the past—and will remain our purpose in the future—to use the full measure of our influence to support attainment of freedom by all peoples who, by their acts, show themselves worthy.’

“This Government is of course dedicated to the fulfilment of these objectives in the Near East as in other parts of the world.

“The record shows that the Axis Powers have repeatedly and cynically dishonored their promises and engagements. Therefore it is inconceivable that any Near Eastern peoples place either faith or credence in them. The Axis aggressors threaten the maintenance and extension of freedom in the Near East; consequently, increased participation in the war effort by all Near Eastern peoples would be in their own interest and naturally would be welcomed by the United States Government.”

  1. For text of speech broadcast nationally by the Secretary of State on July 23, 1942, over all radio networks, see Department of State Bulletin, July 25, 1942, p. 639.