810.20 Defense/9–2640: Telegram

The Ambassador in Colombia (Braden) to the Secretary of State

292. My telegram No. 286, September 25.11 Minister of War translated my memorandum of draft staff agreement into Spanish. [Page 83] It was then approved by Minister for Foreign Affairs and this afternoon in the presence of Minister of War and myself Colombian Chief of Staff and Captain Reifkohl and Colonel Randolph signed four copies, two in Spanish and two in English one each of which will be forwarded to the Department by air mail pouch.

The document is called “recommendations which the General Staffs make to their respective governments”. While the phraseology differs some from the directives given to our officers all essential military points are satisfactorily covered. As for instance arrangements to procure aerial photographs of strategic areas is arranged and it is understood although not specified Colombian plane and pilot will fly American photographer with his equipment. The Colombians already have large number of aerial photographs which Colonel Randolph will look over tomorrow. All photographs can be made available to us.

Minister of War expressed his delight with consummation of the understanding as “marking the beginning of a new and highly important epoch in the friendship and cooperation between our two countries and the military forces thereof”.

Captain Reifkohl and Colonel Randolph considered it to be the best possible agreement and entirely satisfactory in which I concur. They request War and Navy be informed of foregoing.

  1. Not printed.