832.24/294: Telegram

The Chargé in Brazil (Burdett) to the Secretary of State

666. For the Under Secretary. Reference Embassy’s telegram No. 665, December 14, 3 p.m. Aranha received the British Ambassador immediately after showing me his telegram from the Brazilian Ambassador in London.82 Knox told Aranha that the Brazilian Ambassador in London had apparently derived an erroneous interpretation of his conversation at the British Foreign Office. Aranha today [cabled] his Ambassador in London requesting a further report.

Aranha told Knox this morning that he is unable to stop the increasing anti-British agitation in Brazil and that he may not be able [Page 654] to prevent reprisals. He even mentioned the heavy pressure being put on him to break off relations with Great Britain.

Aranha informed me concerning the ships warrant scheme that his position is that quoted in my telegram No. 648 of December 9, 4 p.m. i. e. the Lloyd Brasileiro as property of the Brazilian Government cannot assume obligations which might endanger Brazil’s neutrality but will take into consideration the measures proposed by the British Government.

Regarding immobilization of German and Italian ships in Brazilian ports, Aranha said that this matter would be considered in relation to continental neutrality and after consultation with the other American Republics. He said that adoption of this plan throughout the Americas was too serious a problem for a hurried decision made under foreign pressure.

It should be realized that while Brazilian public opinion is so inflamed against the British a concession by Aranha such as immobilization of German and Italian ships in Brazilian ports would be most difficult and would certainly seriously weaken his position.

  1. See supra.