740.0011 European War 1939/4260: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

313. For the Under Secretary. Aranha tells me that President Vargas has become most incensed over the attacks that were made upon him in the United States in regard to his much publicized speech. Vargas told him last night that he had decided to make another speech tomorrow emphasizing two points; the first, his Pan Americanism: the second, his contention that Pan Americanism has nothing to do with the form of government adopted by any American country: he would recall that Brazil was an empire until 1889; he would assert that the other American countries were free to adopt any system of government they chose including “their own interpretation of a democracy:” but that Brazil stood by the Estado Novo.

I told Aranha that in my opinion such a speech would be very badly received in the United States. Aranha promised me to see the President again this afternoon and urge him strongly not to make it.
