824.77/303: Telegram
The Minister in Bolivia (Jenkins) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:32 p.m.]
62. Minister of Foreign Affairs23 has asked me to express his thanks to the Secretary for support by our delegation at Habana of resolution favoring completion of so-called Santos Arica Railroad.24
The Minister gives me the impression that he believes our Government will advance necessary funds for this work. He tells me Bolivian Minister in Washington25 has telegraphed him that American engineers will come down to start preliminary survey as soon as Bolivian Government is ready.
I would greatly appreciate information by telegraph as to whether or not our Government has promised any financial assistance in this matter and generally what our attitude is.
[Page 549]My despatch No. 30326 concerning Bolivian press comments respecting railway proposal and impression being created should reach Washington about August 9.