711.359 Sanitary/490
The Argentine Embassy to the Department of State
In accordance with the proposals for cooperation expressed at the Habana Conference, the Ministry of Agriculture has requested the Argentine Chancellery to take steps to secure the approval by the United States Government of the Sanitary Convention.
If the Convention should be approved, our country would place on the United States market, during the months of February and March, mutton and lamb only, in a quantity of not more than 15,000 tons, coming from the territories of Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, that is, from a zone absolutely free from foot and mouth disease and more than 800 kilometers from the line of interdiction for the movement of herds into this zone, which runs from Bahia Blanca to Zapala.
The Argentine Government, on the other hand, would accept the sending of sanitary inspectors by the United States Government and would be disposed to meet the necessary expenses.
The shipments would be made from the five packing houses that make shipments: Bio Grande, Bio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, San Julian and Puerto Bermejo, the very location of which demonstrates the impossibility of contact with the interdicted zones.