611.3531/1577: Telegram

The Chargé in Argentina (Tuck) to the Secretary of State

379. The general lines of the proposed corn agreement embodied in the Department’s 184, August 16, 5 p.m., were communicated to the Argentine Government in a note which I handed to the Under Secretary on August 21. According to Louro36 and Torriani37 the question was considered by the Inter-Ministerial Committee yesterday but no decision was reached in view of the Cabinet crisis and nothing can be done until the new Cabinet Ministers shall have taken office.

Louro has since been informally and discreetly advised of the possibility of the imposition of quantitative limitations or feels [sic] on the importation of corn and he has indicated that he will explain to his colleagues in the Inter-Ministerial Committee the need for speedy action.

  1. Alfredo Louro, head of the Argentine Exchange Control Office.
  2. Carlos L. Torriani, Director of the Division of Economics and Consular Affairs, Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs.