
The Secretary General of the Third Pan American Coffee Conference ( Aguilar ) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: The Third Pan-American Coffee Conference is currently in session at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, with representatives of fourteen coffee producing countries participating. Various problems facing the producing nations are under consideration with particular attention being given the situation of coffee caused by the loss of European markets.

At its Plenary Session of this morning the Conference instructed the Secretary General to convey its greetings to the Secretary of State and to inform him that in view of the expressed interest of the United States Government in the economic well-being of the Latin-American nations and the increasing significance of Panamericanism, the Conference would welcome the presence at its sessions of an Observer designated by the Department. Such an Observer, it is felt, would give the Conference the benefit of the views of the State Department and might be helpful in apprising the State Department of the progress of the Conference.

Accordingly, I am pleased to extend the most cordial invitation to you to designate such an Observer.

With my best wishes [etc.]

Roberto Aguilar