The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Armour)6
Sir: There are enclosed copies of two letters dated July 30, 1940,7 and of one dated July 31, 1940,8 from the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Development Commission which was created by Resolution XIII of the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, regarding the establishment of advisory subcommittees in various of the American republics directly affected by the two initial projects under development by the Development Commission.
You are requested to select a member of your staff to form a part of the local subcommittee to be established in Buenos Aires. The Department understands that the Executive Secretary of the Development Commission has already communicated with the Argentine Embassy at Washington regarding the selection by the Argentine Government of its official representative to sit on this subcommittee. The Argentine representative and the officer designated by you should choose by mutual agreement the three local business men who would complete the subcommittee.
There is also enclosed a copy of the minutes of the meeting on June 26, 1940 of the Development Commission9 in which the first two projects to be considered are described.
Very truly yours,