
The Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: The Act of Habana approved at the Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, provides that each of the American Republics shall appoint as soon as possible a representative on the emergency committee which is entrusted with certain duties in case it becomes necessary to undertake the provisional administration of European colonies and possessions in the Americas.

The aforesaid Act does not designate a central depository charged with keeping a record of the appointments made by the individual governments to the emergency committee, nor does it set forth the method by which these appointments shall be communicated to the other governments concerned.

In view of this circumstance and of the numerous precedents which entrust such purely administrative functions to the Pan American Union, I beg to inquire whether it will be agreeable to the Government of the United States of America to transmit to the Union the name of its representative appointed to membership on the above mentioned emergency committee, with the understanding that the Union shall communicate each appointment to the other American Republics, without prejudice, of course, to the direct communication of this information between the governments.

I beg [etc.]

L. S. Rowe