
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Briggs)6

The subject of the attached letter6a was discussed with Professor Fenwick; as you are aware, Argentina is very anxious to do whatever may be possible to establish its position that foodstuffs for civilian populations are not Contraband of War. Under the present circumstances, Professor Fenwick believes, and I agree with him, that there is nothing the Inter-American Neutrality Committee could do to advance this position. According to Professor Fenwick, the Committee itself realizes this and the inquiry which it addressed to the American Republics through the Pan American Union was merely to satisfy the pressure to “do something.”

E. O. Briggs
  1. Addressed to the Under Secretary of State (Welles) and the Legal Adviser (Hackworth).
  2. Presumably letter of June 26 from the Director General of the Pan American Union (Rowe) to the Secretary of State, not printed.