810.20 Defense/8–1040: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Argentina ( Tuck )

179. Lieutenant Colonel R. L. Christian, U.S. Army, will arrive in Buenos Aires by Pan American plane August 17. He will travel on a diplomatic passport indicating that he is undertaking important business for the Department of State. Colonel Christian and Captain Brereton have been designated by the War and Navy Departments to undertake staff conversations with representatives of the Paraguayan and Uruguayan Army and Navy. It is planned for them to leave for Asuncion August 23 in time for conversations to begin in that capital on August 24 or 26. Following the conclusion of their conversations in Asuncion they will leave August 30 for Montevideo starting similar conversations in that city on September 2.

It is hoped that these two officers may inaugurate similar conversations in Buenos Aires some time the following week and I have personally discussed the matter with Dr. Melo46 who should return to Buenos Aires approximately August 27. Pending further instructions from the Department, however, you should not broach the matter to the Argentine authorities, although if they should of their own accord raise the subject with you you may indicate this Government’s cordial desire to cooperate and the tentative plans which have been outlined in this telegram for the conversations.

  1. Leopoldo Melo, Personal Representative of the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics at Habana, at that time visiting the United States.