710.Consultation(2)/291: Telegram

The Chargé in Venezuela (Scott) to the Secretary of State

105. Department’s circular July 11, 5 p.m. After consultation with the President52 the Minister for Foreign Affairs informs the Department he is in perfect accord with the two drafts which he considers excellent. Because of Venezuela’s desire ultimately to acquire the Dutch West Indies Islands should the sovereignty of Holland lapse over these possessions the Minister for Foreign Affairs proposes the addition of an additional article “G.” to the convention.53 The text in English would be as follows:

“(G) If the sovereignty of a non-American country over its colonies in the western hemisphere lapses during the status quo established by the present convention and the people of said colonies express a desire to unite with the nearest American country the commission provided for in the convention will organize and supervise a plebiscite for this purpose”.

In further explanation the Minister stated that Venezuela’s position regarding the Dutch possessions and British Guiana had been fully set forth to Under Secretary Welles by Dr. Escalante.

  1. Gen. Eleázar López Contreras.
  2. i.e., the convention transmitted in circular telegram of July 11, 5 p.m., p. 216.