
The Cuban Ambassador (Martínez Fraga) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)


My Dear Under Secretary and Friend: I take pleasure in advising you that the Cuban Government today despatched the respective telegrams inviting the Inter-American Economic Committee and the Inter-American Neutrality Committee to be represented, if they deem fit, at the coming Consultative Meeting at Habana.

These delegates would collaborate, with technical character, in the work of the said Meeting.

I have also been informed that the President of the Republic43 has appointed Dr. César Salaya, Professor of Private International Law in the University of Habana, Delegate to the Buenos Aires Confervence, et cetera as Secretary-General of the Second Consultative Meeting of American Foreign Secretaries, and Dr. Nicolás Rivero, Minister of Cuba to the Holy See, as Secretary or Chief of the Press Service of the said Second Meeting.

The sessions of this Conference will be held in the Senate wing of the National Capitol and the necessary rooms have already been reserved for the different delegates in the Hotel Nacional.

Dr. Leo S. Rowe, Director General of the Pan American Union duly received the invitation of the Cuban Government last Saturday, June 29.

Believe me [etc.]

Martínez Fraga
  1. Federico Laredo Brú.