810.20 Defense/5–2440: Telegram

The Chargé in Venezuela (Scott) to the Secretary of State

69. Department’s 50, May 23, noon.46 After a secret consultation with the President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs47 informs me that the Venezuelan Government is in complete accord with the proposal. He requests me transmit for the confidential information of the American Government the following personal suggestions from President Lopez Contreras.

The President understands the dangerous turn which the European war has taken and the threats to American peace and security and agrees that conversations should begin with a view to considering coordination of efforts to meet possible aggression and for defensive cooperation. He suggests, in order that the officers before starting may have a true picture of the situation and of the main points of study and vital threads of cooperation, that a questionnaire might be drawn up covering every question on which information is needed, on military effectiveness, military matériel, horses, equipment, organization of different arms, military routes, strategic points which should be guarded, resources in aviation, in men and in machines, and any other information which gives an exact idea of the military effectives. He suggests that C. A. Willoughby, former Military Attaché in Caracas, and a close personal friend of the President, might be included in any mission sent. Willoughby knows the country from a military point of view and may be of great help as liaison officer with the Venezuelan Government.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs explained that the questionnaire referred to above would be drawn up in Venezuela but that suggestions from the United States would be very welcome. In closing he emphasized that both the President and himself were very worried about developments in Europe and the possibility of some form of aggression against Venezuela.

  1. See footnote 29, p. 16.
  2. Estebán Gil Borges.