833.00N/41: Telegram
The Minister in Uruguay (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:30 p.m.]
85. Your telegram No. 42, May 27. I conveyed your views to Guani this morning who expressed appreciation. He said that yesterday he received a telegram from his Minister at Berlin reporting that he had carried out his instructions (see my telegram 84, May 26), that the German [apparent omission] expressed his gratification, said that he regarded this message as a friendly act on the part of the Uruguayan Government, and voluntarily withdrew his earlier statement to the effect that he had been informed that Uruguay was preparing to break off relations with Germany.
In view of the foregoing Guani said that he did not now expect any protest from the German Government about the searches.
I received the impression that, in view of the news from Belgium this morning, Guani was less anxious to discuss the question of Nazi activities here.