838.51/4082: Telegram

The Chargé in Haiti (Sparks) to the Secretary of State

180. An examination of the pertinent Haitian laws reveals that the conclusion of the special agreement directed in the last paragraph of the Department’s telegram 166, October 11, 6 p.m. would entail the revision of Haitian financial legislation which it is believed might be most inexpedient at this time.

[Page 919]

The Fiscal Representative states that he could give his accord to a budget substantially the same as reported in my despatch 1041 of October 447 and to an estimate of ways and means the same as the one accepted by the Minister of Finance on October 3 without the consummation of, or commitment to, the financing of surplus coffee by the American Government. He believes that he could do so under article XII of the basic finance law which obliges and empowers the Minister of Finance to adjust expenditures to actual ways and means if at any time it should prove necessary.

Accordingly, it is recommended that the Fiscal Representative, in view of the change in Cabinet and the proposed cancellation of the French treaty, resubmit to the Minister of Finance for approval an estimate of ways and means under cover of a communication which would contain no inclination implied or otherwise of a commitment by the American Government to provide coffee financing.

President Vincent concurs with this procedure.

Authorization by telephone Monday48 would be appreciated so that the budget may be promulgated and discounting of salaries commence Tuesday. October 13, 10 a.m.49

  1. Not printed.
  2. October 14.
  3. Telegram is dated October 12, 7 p.m., but this is probably the time actually sent.