838.51/4006: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Haiti (Sparks)
147. Your despatches 966 and 968, August 19 and 22, 1940.28 The Department has taken note of the efforts now being made by the Haitian Government to meet the grave fiscal and economic difficulties with which it is faced. In this connection it is felt that all the officers and employees in the Office of the Fiscal Representative should participate in the general reduction of governmental expenditures.
The Department feels that reductions in such salaries on a scale similar to those made by the Government (i. e. 5 per cent when the salary does not exceed 100 gourdes per month, and 10 per cent if it exceeds 100 gourdes), would, under the circumstances, be eminently proper. It is further recommended that such action by the Fiscal Representative should also encompass a substantial reduction in all [Page 904] allowances, travelling and other expenses which are paid to the officers and employees of the Office of the Fiscal Representative.
Will you please bring the foregoing recommendations to the attention of the Fiscal Representative. The Department will be pleased to consider the comments of the Fiscal Representative as to the precise means by which these reductions can best be effected, as he may wish to initiate any measures taken in this matter by volunteering to make the reductions during such time as the present acute fiscal situation may continue.
If the question should arise, you may inform the Haitian Government that this Government is agreeable to an exchange of notes supplementing those of December 30 and 31, 1933,30 which would specify the salary and expenses of the Fiscal Representative.