765.75/464: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray)

25. Department’s 24, April 10, 6 p.m. and your 13, April 11, 9 a.m. On April 11 Legation at Teheran reported as follows:

“The Turkish Ambassador tells me the Iranian Government has been in close consultation with Ankara and would almost certainly be influenced by Turkish advice or action. Turkey has informed Iran that she is thoroughly alarmed by Italian penetration into the Balkans and by the prospect of a German foothold on the Black sea. She also remembers that the downfall of the old Turkish Empire was due to the alliance with Germany. Turkey moreover feels that by the attack on Albania the equilibrium in the Mediterranean has been disturbed but as in the long run sea power will probably again prevail Turkey and the Balkans would be inclined to resist Germany and Italy provided there is hope of active support from the Democracies.

Foreign Ministers of the Saadabad Pact40 countries were to have met in Teheran in about a week in connection with the marriage celebrations. Although the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs will not be unable [able?] to be present I understand the other three will discuss with the Turkish Ambassador whether the pact should not perhaps be turned into an instrument for mutual defense.”

Legation at Athens learns that the British Ambassador at Ankara has been instructed to inform the Turkish Government that Great Britain and France would consider an Italian attack on Greece as a casus belli.

From London it is learned that an effort is being made to induce Turkey to march if Italy attacks Greece or if Germany attacks Rumania and that a favorable reply is expected at least in the event of an attack upon Greece; also that Turkey is being urged to enter into [Page 399] a reciprocal agreement with Great Britain and to use her influence with Bulgaria to make a similar agreement.

The Department assumes that you will soon be able to comment on the above developments after consultation with higher Turkish officials and your interested colleagues.

  1. Non-aggression pact of July 8, 1937, between Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey, League of Nations Treaty Series, Vol. cxc, p. 21.