I. Refusal of Germany to assume obligation of the Austrian indebtedness1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1938, vol. ii, pp. 483–515.
[512] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, January 4, 1939—3
[Received January 4—12:32 p.m.]
[Received January 4—12:32 p.m.]
863.51 Relief Credits/514: Telegram
[513] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Gilbert)
Washington, January 19, 1939—7 p.m.
863.51 Relief Credits/514: Telegram
[514] The Chargé in Germany (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, January 25, 1939—6
[Received January 25—3 p.m.]
[Received January 25—3 p.m.]
863.51 Relief Credits/518: Telegram
[515] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Gilbert)
Washington, February 15,
863.51 Relief Credits/524
[516] The Chargé in Germany (Geist) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, March 15, 1939—10
[Received March 16—6 a.m.]
[Received March 16—6 a.m.]
863.51 Relief Credits/529: Telegram (part air)
[517] The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, July 3, 1939—7
[Received July 3—3:40 p.m.]
[Received July 3—3:40 p.m.]
863.51 Relief Credits/543: Telegram
[518] The Chargé in Germany (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
Berlin, July 7, 1939—3
[Received July 7—1:06 p.m.]
[Received July 7—1:06 p.m.]
863.51 Relief Credits/544: Telegram
[519] The Acting Secretary of State to the German Chargé (Thomsen)
Washington, December 6,
863.51 Relief Credits/547