
The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt

My Dear Mr. President: This Government has received an invitation from the British Government2 to be represented at a conference to convene at London on February 21, 1939 for the purpose of considering a draft convention for the exemption from taxation of liquid fuel and lubricants used in air traffic. In view of this Government’s profound and increasing interest in international air traffic it seems essential that it should have a voice in the drafting of a convention designed to augment the facilities for such traffic and to afford, on a basis of reciprocity, certain advantages to aircraft engaged in international flying.

I have received recommendations from the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority that the invitation be accepted, and I suggest that the following-named persons be appointed delegates on the part of the United States to attend the conference:

David Williamson, Second Secretary, American Embassy, London;

Sidney J. Kennedy, United States Treasury Attaché, London.

The attendance of Mr. Williamson and Mr. Kennedy at the conference would involve no additional expense to the Government.

I should appreciate your informing me whether the designation of the above-named persons would meet with your approval.

If you approve these designations, I shall request that Ambassador Kennedy, as well as the two delegates, be granted full powers to sign the convention on the part of the United States.3

Faithfully yours,

Cordell Hull
  1. Note No. 290, August 20, 1938, from the British Ambassador, not printed.
  2. Marginal notation: “C. H. OK F. D. R.”