710.Peace/187: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Darnels)
40. Your 35, February 26, 6 p.m. In your next conversation at the Foreign Office, it would be helpful for you to state that your Government has given the most attentive thought to the views advanced by the Mexican Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs. It would seem, however, very difficult at this time to undertake any publicity program regarding the proposed inter-American conference in view of the fact that President Roosevelt has not as yet received all of the replies which have been addressed to him by the presidents of the American republics. These replies in some instances, this Government is advised, contain rather specific and detailed suggestions which will warrant somewhat protracted study.
With regard to the fears referred to in the latter part of the first paragraph of your telegram under reference, the text of President Roosevelt’s letter makes it entirely clear that the suggestion of the President contains no intimation whatever that he would favor the taking of any steps by the American republics prejudicial to the commitments of those American republics which are members of the League of Nations, but on the contrary, that he believes the improvement of peace machinery on the American continent would supplement and reinforce the efforts for peace of the League of Nations and all other peace agencies.
Finally, you may say that the Mexican Ambassador in Washington and you yourself will be kept fully advised of the nature of the suggestions communicated to President Roosevelt by the presidents of the other American republics in the belief that a continuing exchange of views on these problems during these next weeks between all of the American republics will be essential in order that a program for the Conference may be formulated with the approval of all. In the same manner unanimous agreement will be sought as to the steps which may appropriately be taken in order to insure continuing public interest and beneficial publicity.