- Preliminaries to the Eighth International Conference of American States,
to be held at Lima in 1938 (Documents 1–2)
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace held at Buenos
Aires, December 1–23, 1936 (Documents 3–34)
- Chaco dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay: The Chaco Peace
Conference (Documents 35–89)
- Boundary dispute between Ecuador and Peru (Documents 90–104)
- Decision of the Department of State that the United States should no
longer be guided by article II of the General Treaty of Peace and Amity of
1923 in extending or denying recognition to governments in Central
America (Documents 105–112)
- Policy of the Department of State with respect to defaulted foreign
securities held by American citizens (Document 113)
- Cooperation of the United States with other governments in the
construction of the Inter-American Highway (Documents 114–134)