Attitude of the Government of the United States with respect to the religious situation in Mexico73
73. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. iv, pp. 782–806.
[630] The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)
Washington, March 19, 1936—7
812.404/1857a: Telegram
[631] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
Mexico, March 20, 1936—5
[Received 10:25 p.m.]
[Received 10:25 p.m.]
812.404/1858: Telegram
[632] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)
Washington, March 28,
812.404/1862: Telegram
[633] The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
Mexico, March 28, 1936—6
[Received 8:50 p.m.]
[Received 8:50 p.m.]
812.404/1862: Telegram
[637] The Assistant Secretary of State (Moore) to Mr. Joseph W. Murphy
Washington, October 23, 1936.