710.Peace/168: Telegram

The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

35. The Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs expresses the hope that to avoid possible unfavorable press greater publicity be given to all current developments of proposed peace conference and suggests the importance of early consultation among the governments as to a publicity program designed to offset divergent conjectures and sustain public interest. The representatives of several Latin American countries have expressed to him the fear that the issues of the conference might affect their commitments as members of the League of Nations and European diplomatic representatives have stated their belief that the purpose of the United States in calling the conference was to establish a Pan-American neutrality system as regards the rest of the world.

In connection with the suggested publicity campaign I called the Under Secretary’s attention to recent speeches by Secretary Hull12 and Mr. Phillips13 and to the Secretary’s radio address scheduled for Friday the 28th.14

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Ceniceros said that the Mexican Government wished to collaborate fully, that the Minister of Foreign Affairs would develop Mexico’s program, and that President Cárdenas would expect a well-defined program before public interest could be enlisted.

  1. For text of address on “Trade and Peace,” broadcast from Washington over the network of the National Broadcasting Company, February 14, 1936, at 10 p.m., see Department of State, Press Releases, February 15, 1936, p. 158.
  2. Department of State, The United States in World Affairs, Address by the Honorable William Phillips, Under Secretary of State, which was delivered before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, at Chicago, on February 15, 1936 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1936).
  3. For text of address on “Relations between the United States and Latin America,” broadcast over the network of the National Broadcasting Company, February 28, 1936, at 10:45 p.m., see Department of State, Press Releases, February 29, 1936, p. 189.