Good offices of the United States respecting a settlement of the first mortgage bonds of the Guayaquil and Quito Railway

[455] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[457] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez)

422.11G93/1688: Telegram

[458] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

422.11G93/1690: Telegram

[459] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

422.11G93/1691: Telegram

[460] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[461] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez)

422.11G93/1711: Telegram

[462] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[463] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

422.11G93/1714: Telegram

[464] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

422.11G93/1716: Telegram

[465] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez)

422.11G93/1714: Telegram

[466] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez)

422.11G93/1717: Telegram

[467] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[468] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[469] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

422.11G93/1719: Telegram

[471] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[473] The Minister in Ecuador (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State


[474] The Chargé in Ecuador (Sparks) to the Secretary of State


[475] The Chargé in Ecuador (Sparks) to the Secretary of State
