812.52/2051: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)
200. Your 201 November 19 5 p.m. While third paragraph your despatch 4025 October 20, 1936, indicated President of Mexico would take Yaqui matter under consideration et cetera, Yepis despatches indicated some precipitate action might take place about November 20. Since the Department did not consider such an eventuality unlikely and since it was and is apprehensive that the Yaqui Valley may meet the fate of the Laguna area with decidedly unfortunate repercussions in the United States, it was desired and deemed necessary to obtain the Embassy’s comments on Yepis reports.
You are instructed to observe developments closely and in the event that an arrangement satisfactory to landholders is not reached or if there is any likelihood of precipitate action adverse to them you should make vigorous representations with a view to preventing expropriation unless adequate compensation is to be paid promptly.
Please keep Department promptly informed of developments.