815.00 Revolutions/491 Suppl.: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Keena)

21. Department’s telegram 17, April 4, 4 p.m. The Department of Justice has been investigating the reports received from the Legation concerning the alleged activities of American vessels suspected of being engaged in transporting arms and men to Honduras for revolutionary purposes, with a view to ascertaining whether or not the activities of those vessels are in violation of the neutrality laws of the United States.

Inasmuch as the Department of Justice, after a protracted investigation, has failed to report any evidence of violation of American laws by the vessels referred to, the Department considers that it would no longer be justified in requesting that a naval vessel be detailed to keep the suspected vessels under surveillance, and the request to the Navy Department that such a naval vessel be so detailed has been withdrawn.

With reference to your telegram 36 of April 3, 11 a.m., the Department assumes, of course, that the Government of Honduras would not utilize American aviators in any military operations of the nature suggested, and that in any case, before engaging in such operations, the Honduran Government would consider carefully the responsibilities which it might incur for damage to lives and property as a result of such operations, particularly in the absence of positive evidence that the vessels are engaged in the activities reported.

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Please communicate the above informally and in a very friendly manner to President Carias.
