815.00 Revolutions/504
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy (Swanson)
My Dear Mr. Secretary: The receipt is acknowledged of the letter of the Acting Secretary of the Navy dated April 8, 1936, in reply to the State Department’s letter of April 4, 1936, which requested that a naval vessel be despatched to overtake the yacht Adventuress and [Page 688] the pilot boat Stormalong and keep them under surveillance, advising the American Legation at Tegucigalpa regarding their movements.
At the request of this Department, the Department of Justice has been investigating the reports concerning the activities of American vessels suspected of being engaged in transporting arms and men to Honduras for revolutionary purposes, with a view to ascertaining whether or not those vessels are engaged in activities in violation of American neutrality laws.
Inasmuch as the Department of Justice, after a protracted investigation, has failed to disclose to this Department any evidence pointing to the violation of American laws by the vessels referred to, this Department considers that it would no longer be justified in requesting that a naval vessel be detailed to keep the suspected vessels under surveillance, and it therefore withdraws the request contained in its letter of April 4 referred to.
Sincerely yours,