815.001 Carias A., Tiburcio/34
President Carias to President Roosevelt9
Great and Good Friend: I have the honor to communicate to you that in view of the unanimous petition of the Municipalities of the Republic, political groups, and representative elements of society, urging the National Congress to decree the general revision of the Political Constitution of 1924, that high entity, at its session of the 6th day of January of the present year, issued a decree convoking the Honduran people to the election, on Sunday the 26th day of the month referred to, of deputies to a Constituent National Assembly to meet at this capital on the 8th day of March last past; the said National [Page 684] Constituent Assembly having met at the place and in the manner indicated above, it proceeded to the revision of the fundamental charter of Honduras decreed in 1924.
On the 28th day of March last, the National Constituent Assembly signed the new Political Constitution, which began to be in force on the 15th day of the current month and on that same date I, together with the members of my Cabinet, caused the said document to be promulgated. Article 202 of the new Political Constitution establishes that the term of office which I am now serving will terminate on the first of January, 1943.
In bringing the foregoing to Your Excellency’s knowledge, I take pleasure in stating that, in the exercise of my high office, my greatest endeavor will be that of maintaining and strengthening the bonds of cordial friendship which fortunately exist between our two countries, counting, as it is unnecessary to say, on Your Excellency’s valued cooperation.
Please be so good as to accept [etc.]
- Transmitted to the Secretary of State by the Honduran Minister under covering note of May 15.↩