The Colombian Chargé (Vargas Nariño) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to advise receipt of Your Excellency’s kind note dated the 24th day of the current month, in which note you were so good as to reply to this Legation’s former communication dated the 18th of the same month and add, as a matter of information, that the agents of the Department of Justice who entered the Legation illegally in days past were suspended from their positions for the period of sixty days.
I am very grateful to Your Excellency for this new information, and I am greatly pleased that the manner in which the incident has been treated by the Colombian Government and by this Legation has met with the approval of Your Excellency.
Renewing to Your Excellency the expression of the thanks of my Government and my own thanks for the satisfactory and friendly manner in which Your Excellency, the Department of State and the Department of Justice found an adequate solution and in their turns dealt with the question, I repeat to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.