793.94/7725: Telegram
The Second Secretary of Embassy in China (Atcheson) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 18—7:40 a.m.]
35. 1. I am informed by responsible official of Executive Yuan that Chiang Kai Shek has now set the “limit of Japanese aggression” at which the Chinese “must” begin fighting as invasion of or interference in Shantung or Suiyuan. Formerly the “limit” was Chahar; this official states that both regions, Chahar and Hopei, are now considered as effectively lost to China as is Manchukuo, the chief hope of the negotiations in the North being to save the Government’s face by continuing as long as possible the lip service of the Hopei-Chahar Council. According to this and other reliable sources, the Yellow River continues [to] be the principal front line in the Chinese plans for defense. However, I learn authoritatively from another source that the general staff’s aerial survey section which has been making reconnaissance maps and fire plans along that line has suddenly ceased this work because of intrigue thought to have been inspired by Japanese, thus leaving the Chinese artillery at present without means of conducting indirect fire if fighting should occur.
2. Recent large shipments of motor trucks from Pukow to the northwest and other considerations have tended to confirm belief held in some circles that Chiang is preparing to assist Soviet Russian forces against the Japanese. On the other hand Chiang yesterday told an [Page 62] American correspondent in confidence and not for publication that China positively would remain neutral in event of Soviet-Japanese hostilities.
3. To the Department and Peiping. To Tokyo by mail.