793.04/7731: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Lockhart) to the Secretary of State

Following apparently a decision of the Japanese military in North China to try to obtain more satisfactory press reports about their activities, certain Japanese officers have suddenly become more communicative than had been the case for some weeks. Among them is Doihara who told pressmen yesterday at Peiping among other things that (1) it is not necessary for the National Government to approve appointments of Japanese advisers to the Hopei-Chahar Political Council, (2) the Council need not be separated for the National Government, (3) the Japanese might assist in suppression of Communism if it should threaten North China, (4) the Japanese will not invade North China, (5) he does not insist on Asia for the Asiatics, and (6) Pu-yi88 will not come to North China in March (in reply to a question specifying that month).
Embassy’s 8, January 8, noon, paragraph 5.89 Although students in Peiping returned to classes after prolonged winter vacation, they are creating difficulties in some schools. These movements have not yet reached important proportions. The student movement in Peiping is in confusion, presumably as the result of efforts of radical students to gain control of the Peiping Students Union [and?] the objectives of the radicals are not clear. In the opinion of one responsible educator, the radicals may intend to bring about a conflict between Japanese and Chinese in order to promote Communism.
The financial situation of the Hopei-Chahar Political Council is obscure. It is understood that negotiations between it and the National Government over division of revenues have practically reached a deadlock.
There are lacking concrete signs of dissatisfaction on the part of Japanese military at the slow progress of the Council toward a greater degree of autonomy.
Embassy’s 44, February 4, noon, paragraph 3. Lieutenant Colonel Ikeda, North China Garrison staff officer, has returned to Tientsin from Tokyo where he was supposedly engaged in significant conversations.
  1. Manchu ex-Emperor of China, “Emperor Kang-teh of Manchoutikuo” since 1934.
  2. Not printed.