765.84/4428: Telegram
The Chargé in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
Rome, May 15, 1936—4
[Received May 15—12:40 p.m.]
[Received May 15—12:40 p.m.]
161. The following administrative measures relating to Ethiopia have been mentioned so far in the Italian press.
- (1)
- Italian consular visa is required for all foreigners entering Ethiopia.
- (2)
- The Ministry of Justice has instructed that all civil and legal documents be issued “in the name of His Majesty Victor Emanuel III, by the grace of God and the will of the nation, King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia.”
- (3)
- The Bank of Ethiopia will be absorbed by the Bank of Italy which is shortly to open an Addis Ababa branch.
- (4)
- Mussolini has instructed the President of the Industrialists Confederation to organize among the interested corporative categories technical, scientific and practical members to study Ethiopian resources. The press declares editorially that development and colonization will be controlled through the corporative organization and that the work will start immediately. A colonial agricultural bureau has been created in the Farm Labor Confederation under the charge of experts in colonial, agricultural and syndical organization. All persons or concerns interested in colonial schemes must present their projects to the Ministry of Colonies.