Ethiopian-Italian conflict:1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1935, vol. i, pp. 594–908.
- I. General background (Documents 41–91)
- II. Efforts of the League of Nations and of France and the United
Kingdom to end hostilities, January–May 9, 1936 (Documents 92–135)
- III. Annexation of Ethiopia by Italy, May 9, 1936; reaction of the
League of Nations and of France and the United Kingdom (Documents 136–185)
- IV. United States neutrality; extension of neutrality legislation;
revocation of the neutrality proclamations; unfavorable attitude of the
United States toward proposed visit of the Emperor of Ethiopia to the
United States (Documents 186–222)
- V. Attitude of the United States toward recognition of Italian
annexation of Ethiopia (Documents 223–266)
- VI. Protection of the Legation staff in Addis Ababa, and of American
missionaries in Ethiopia (Documents 267–330)
- VII. Relations between the American Minister Resident in Ethiopia and
the Italian military commanders (Documents 331–379)
- VIII. Restriction by the Italians upon trade and commerce in
Ethiopia (Documents 380–386)
- IX. Repressive measures by the Italian authorities against foreign
missionary activities in Ethiopia (Documents 387–400)
- X. Consideration by the United States Government of withdrawing its
representatives from Ethiopia (Documents 401–422)