Insistence by the United States on its right to nominate judges for appointment to the Mixed Courts in Egypt7

7. For previous correspondence regarding the appointment of an American judge to the Mixed Courts of Egypt, see Foreign Relations, 1929, vol. ii, pp. 936 ff.

[10] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/137: Telegram (part air)

[11] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/139: Telegram

[12] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)

883.0513/139: Telegram

[13] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State


[14] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/103: Telegram

[15] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)

883.0513/163: Telegram

[16] The Chargé in Egypt (Hall) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/173: Telegram

[17] The Chargé in Egypt (Hall) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/174: Telegram

[18] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Egypt (Hall)

883.0513/174: Telegram

[19] The Chargé in Egypt (Childs) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/175: Telegram

[20] The Chargé in Egypt (Childs) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/179: Telegram

[21] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/180: Telegram

[22] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)

883.0513/180: Telegram

[23] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/181: Telegram

[24] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Fish)

883.0513/191: Telegram

[25] The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State

883.0513/212: Telegram