611.4131/149: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Atherton) to the Secretary of State

82. Your 70, February 28, 7 p.m. I learn that although Foreign Office had communicated with Board of Trade subsequent to conversation reported in my 79, February 26, 7 p.m., Eden had not talked with Runciman before latter made his speech (apparently without notes) reported in my 81, February 28, 1 p.m. Last night Eden stated it was improbable that he could arrange to see Runciman before his departure for Geneva on Sunday but that he would take the earliest opportunity on his return. I further learn that Eden admits that, owing to the problem of sanctions,20 his relations with Runciman are not too easy, and that although he did not criticise Runciman’s remarks he was obviously somewhat taken back when they were first brought to his attention.

  1. In connection with the Ethiopian-Italian conflict; see section entitled “Efforts of the League of Nations and of France and the United Kingdom To End Hostilities, January-May 9, 1936,” vol. iii, pp. 85 ff.