
The Secretary of State to Representative Schuyler O. Bland

My Dear Mr. Bland: On March 18, 1936, the Minister of Sweden called upon me to say he had been informed that hearings had been set for March 24, 1936, on Bill H. R. 112 now before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, and pointed out that provisions of this bill in respect of cruises by foreign vessels were substantially similar to provisions contained in a bill introduced in the past and against which his Government and the governments of various other foreign nations had entered protest. The Minister did not enter into details because he said there were already on file in the Department of State detailed statements of the views of his Government to which he asked that reference be made.

The statements in question relate to Bill H. R. 8875, introduced February 4, 1932, to amend Section 8 of the Act of June 19, 1886 as amended by Section 2 of the Act of February 18 [17], 1898,11 [Page 615] (U. S. C. title 46, see. 289), and are contained in a note from the Minister of Sweden under date of February 24, 1932.12

Since it appears that important questions are involved I am sure you will want to consider the previous representations made by the Swedish Government as these may now be applicable to Bill H. R. 112, and I am therefore transmitting a copy of the note referred to.

Similar representations made by the Governments of Canada and the Netherlands have already been transmitted to you.

Sincerely yours,

Cordell Hull