500.C1112/43: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul at Geneva (Gilbert)

120. Your 394, 395, and 396, October 3 [and 4] and Department’s 118, October 3. Please inform Spinasse:

That the American Government also attaches great importance to the parts of the simultaneous declaration which he cited, and greatly desires that governments make them effective. The action of the French Government in this field is most encouraging.
We believe, as he knows, that it is essential that governments undertake, as promptly as possible, to relax exchange controls and quotas, and substitute for the bi-lateral balancing and clearing agreement basis of trade, the basis of equality. The American Government will continue to urge this course on all other governments at every opportunity, and try to promote effective action.
His plans for general conversations to advance these objects seem vague.
Apart from that, however, this government does not favor any general conference. It has found direct diplomatic channels more feasible, and favors continuance of this method.
We hope that the governments now meeting at Geneva will, in accord with the report of the Economic Committee, declare their support for a program of lowering trade barriers through reciprocal trade agreements following most-favored-nation principles.

Please make clear to Spinasse that the preceding is for the confidential information of his government, and not for publication.

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You may give British representatives at Geneva the same summary of our views, if approached again.

Inform Embassies at Paris and London.
