
Memorandum by the Secretary of State60

The Persian Minister called and first expressed the regret of his Government about the published reports concerning the treatment of the [Page 486] two American flyers who made a forced landing in Persia and represented that they were unlawfully detained by Persian authorities.

The Minister then said that the chief purpose of his call was to explain and to express regret about my having taken exception to his conduct during recent months in connection with the Small Arms Treaty pending ratification by the Senate. I stated that I need not repeat what I had said before about his violation of the proprieties in going over the head of the State Department and conferring with Senators in support of his contention about the treaty construction. I stated also that a letter he sent to me at a later stage concerning this matter contained some very obnoxious words and sentences; that I did not know of course whether it was fully intentional on his part or whether it was due to his lack of understanding of the English language; but that there was no doubt about the objectionable and obnoxious nature of the language. He disclaimed repeatedly any intention or purpose to give offense, to which I made no reply or comment. He finally added that of course if he was not proving acceptable here that it would be his duty to be transferred to another post. I again made no comment.

C[ordell] H[ull]
  1. Copies sent to the Embassies in France and Great Britain, the Legation in Persia, and the American delegation to the General Disarmament Conference.