Representations regarding dredging operations in the St. Clair River 80

80. For previous correspondence, see Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. ii, pp. 92 ff.

[735] The Secretary of War (Dern) to the Secretary of State

711.42157 Detroit/67

[736] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Canada (Robbins)

711.42157 Detroit/67

[737] The Minister in Canada (Robbins) to the Secretary of State

711.42157 Detroit/76

[738] The Minister in Canada (Robbins) to the Secretary of State

711.42157 Detroit/80

[739] The Minister in Canada (Robbins) to the Secretary of State

711.42157 Detroit/79

[741] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Canada (Bobbins)

711.42157 Detroit/85

[742] The Minister in Canada (Robbins) to the Secretary of State

711.42157 Detroit/89