862.51/3658: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Dodd)

123. Your 155, October 3, 3 p.m. The question of formal representations will be carefully gone into after the receipt of your mail despatch. Please telegraph any supplementary information which may be available as well as your recommendations.

For your information: This Government is deeply concerned by German discrimination in respect of both trade and finance. Both here and in London our position was made clear to Dr. Schacht who gave Dr. Feis categoric oral assurances on June 13 that he would not sanction any policy of discrimination as between creditors of different nations. In this connection you are also referred to the assurances contained in paragraph (e) of the Reichsbank statement transmitted with the Embassy’s despatch 2521 of July 10.93 It might be well for you to let the German Government know that a serious view of the situation is taken here as well as the fact that energetic formal steps are being contemplated.

  1. Not printed.