Refusal of the Swedish State Railways to pay Dexter and Carpenter, Inc., judgment granted by a United States Court 5

5. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1932, vol. ii, pp. 582603.

[541] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Morehead)

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/148: Telegram

[542] The Minister in Sweden (Morehead) to the Secretary of State

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/157

[543] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Sweden (Crocker)

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/163

[544] The Chargé in Sweden (Crocker) to the Secretary of State

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/165: Telegram

[545] The Minister in Sweden (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/185

[546] The Minister in Sweden (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/179: Telegram

[547] The Minister in Sweden (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

458.11 Dexter and Carpenter/194: Telegram